Account Management

Manage user & site account in our system

Create User Account for Employee
1. Go to Settings menu 2. Go to User Management If you're not sure what Role that should be assigned to the user account, you can check first the menu...
Tue, 11 Aug, 2020 at 11:04 AM
Create User Account for Non Employee
1. Go to Settings menu 2. Go to User Management If you're not sure what Role that should be assigned to the user account, you can check first the m...
Tue, 11 Aug, 2020 at 11:04 AM
Update User Account Password
1. Go to Settings menu 2. Go to User Management 3. Search employee name or account's username 4. Click Edit button 5. Set the password 6. Clic...
Tue, 11 Aug, 2020 at 11:04 AM
Update User Account Role
1. Go to Settings menu 2. Go to User Management If you want to update user account's role to be same as a the role for a specific person, you can chec...
Tue, 11 Aug, 2020 at 11:06 AM
Change Non Employee user to Employee user
1. Go to Settings menu 2. Go to User Management 3. Search employee name or account's username 4. Click Edit button 5. Tick "Set As Employee Us...
Tue, 11 Aug, 2020 at 11:06 AM
Change Employee user to Non Employee user
1. Go to Settings menu 2. Go to User Management 3. Search employee name or account's username 4. Click Edit button 5. Tick "Set As Non Emplo...
Tue, 11 Aug, 2020 at 11:07 AM
Site Management - How to Create Site Account
1. Go to Settings menu 2. Go to Site Management 3. Click Add Site User 4. Select the location 5. Click Generate User 6. Set the Site ID and Password 7...
Tue, 21 Jul, 2020 at 12:01 PM
Site Management - How to Generate Site Account QR Code
1. Go to Settings menu 2. Go to Site Management If you want to generate QR code for specific site: 3. Search site name or account's username 4. Tick ...
Wed, 29 Jul, 2020 at 4:48 PM
Site Management - How to Update Site Account Password
1. Go to Settings menu 2. Go to Site Management 3. Search site name or account's username 4. Click Edit button 5. Set the password 6. Click Save Ch...
Tue, 21 Jul, 2020 at 12:27 PM