Employee Management

Manage company employees in our system

Update New Hire Data
1. Login to HRM People application 2. Tap New Hire menu 3. Tap New Hire Data you want to  edit 4. Update data according to the needs 5. Tap Update New H...
Fri, 7 Aug, 2020 at 4:46 PM
Approve New Hire Data
1. Go to New Hire List menu 2. Select new hire data you want to approve 3. Click Approve & Add To Employee List 4. Click OK to confirm approval action...
Fri, 7 Aug, 2020 at 4:46 PM
Reject New Hire Data
1. Go to New Hire List menu 2. Select new hire data you want to reject 3. Click Reject 4. Click OK to confirm rejection action If you successfully rej...
Fri, 7 Aug, 2020 at 4:47 PM
Set Medical Report Expiry Notification
1. Go to Employee List menu  2. Select Employee List menu  3. Search the employee name  4. Click on Edit button  5. Select the Personal In...
Tue, 22 Feb, 2022 at 5:17 PM
Set Expiry Pass Notification
1. Go to Settings  2. Select Notification 3. Click on Add Notification 4. Set the Notification Type as Expiry Pass  5. Fill in the Basi...
Wed, 20 Jul, 2022 at 3:15 PM
How to Check Audit Trail in Employee Profile
1. Please login to HRMLabs web and Click Employee menu. 2. Next, click Employee List. 3. Click edit button the required employee. 4. Once the e...
Thu, 2 Feb, 2023 at 4:25 PM