This feature allows you to edit the rounding amount in employee's payslip. 

1. Go to Settings  

2. Go to Payment Formula under Payment 

3. Go to Rates Tab 

You may create a new Rounding setting for a new rate by clicking 'Add rates', or edit the Rounding setting for the existing rates. 

4. Edit Rate

You can also edit the Labels on the payslip as you wishes under each Rate field. Once edited, it will affect the Labels under Addition Information and Earning Information. 

If you want to hide the total hours of PH/Off Day hours, Overtime hours, or Extra Overtime hours you can untick the 'Show Hours'. This way the total hours will be hidden from the payslip. 

Any changes you made to the Rate, the result will be shown on the Preview (right).

5. Set Rounding 

You can choose either 'Round to decimals' or 'Round up to whole number'. If 'Round to decimals' is selected, you will be able round the decimal digits for Basic Rate, Nett Pay Amount, and Total Work Days. 

- Basic Rate: Max. decimal digit is 4, and used if employee is Part Time 


Basic Rate: 3.6713 

Round to decimals: 2 --> 3.6700

Round up to whole number --> 4.0000

- Nett Pay Amount: Max. decimal digit is 2


Nett Pay: 13.56  

Round to decimals: 1 --> 13.60

Round up to whole number --> 14.00

- Total Work Days: Max. decimal digit is 4 


Nett Pay: 14.3750

Round to decimals: 2 --> 14.3800

Round up to whole number --> 14.0000

6. Set Rounding

Save Changes