This feature will allow you to convert the attendance of your employee in Public Holiday to Leave based on your requirement.

1. Select Attendance

2. Select Attendance Conversion tab 

      All employee that has attendance on Public Holiday will appeared under Attendance Conversion table

3. Select the Employee 

     You can select one employee by check the Checkbox beside their name or you also could select all employee by        check the Checkbox in the upper right corner in the Attendance Conversion table. 

4. Click on Convert Attendance

5. Set the Conversion 

     You can set the conversion based on the by the Taken Hours and the Convert Time from the attendance as long the taken hours does not exceed the working hours that assigned working hours in the work pattern. For example, the assigned work pattern is 8H1L3OT which means that the mandatory working hours is 12 hours, you only able to set the taken hours is 1 - 12 hours and the taken hours is only related to the working hours, hence  : 

  • If attendance is 12 hours then convert 3 hours = remaining working hours is 5 hours
  • If attendance is 12 hours then convert 8 hours = attendance label will be removed from attendance calendar
  • If attendance is 12 hours then convert 11 hours = attendance label will be removed from attendance calendar

While for the Convert time you could set it as "Full day" or "Half Day.


6. Set the Convert Leave 

   You can convert the attendance to the leave based on the assigned Leave for the policy. 

7. Click Convert 

     The converted attendance to leave balance from Attendance Conversion will appear in employee profile leave history with description "Adjust from convert attendance"