1. Go to Settings.

  2. Go to Leave.

  3. Go to Leave Policy.

  4. Select the Leave Policy Name.

  5. Click the “Edit” button.

  6. Go to “Carry Forward”.

  7. Enable “Limit Carry Forward”.

  8. Select “Percentage”.

  9. Put the amount of percentage. (e.g 10, 15, 20 and so on without “%”)
    • This settings will calculate the amount of leave balance for next period based on the percentage of the remaining balance. Let’s say it is set to 50%.
    • For example, the remaining balance from last period is 8 days, and this period the employee gets an entitlement of 14 days+carry forward from the last period.
    • The calculation for the carry forward balance is 8 days x 50% = 4 days.In total the employee gets 18 days of leave for this period.

  10. Click “Save Changes”.